Bålsta is a village near Stockholm and Uppsala. It´s about 20 000 inhabitans in Bålsta. The municipalitys name is Håbo.
Gransäterskolan is a school in Bålsta with about 400 pupils age 6 to 16.
Aspen is a small group in Gransäterskolan with 26 pupils from the whole municipality, age 6-16. The pupils have different disabilitys in autismspectra.
Headmaster Gösta Karlsson |
We have one headmaster and two assistent headmasters at Gransäterskolan.
And we´re eleven teachers at Aspen;
Our students are studying under the common Swedish curriculum and we´re also trying to learn about how to act and understand this strange world.
We teach in mathematics, english, french, swedish, biology, physics, chemistry, technology, history, religion, geography, civics, art, sports, music, homemaking skills.
The name of the group is Aspen because all different classes at our school once named after different trees. Asp is a tree
and it´s also a fish in Sweden.

Sports activities we practice at school is for example different kinds of sports with a ball, dancing, riding, running, orientation, golf, canoeing, doing fitness, strength training, skating, being out in the woods learning about outdoor life. In winter we sometimes learn to ski, it depends on the snow condition.
We also like music very much. We´re singing and playing a lot and some of our students are really found of music. Art is a big deal for us too, painting, make music and create is important to convey our feelings and thoughts.