All sports for all people. Pierre de Coubertin

Thursday, 14 February 2013

Aspen trying wintersports!

A lot of snow and a lot of experiences! We tried skiing, in the forrest and down hill. That was kind of scary, easy to fall and make your self angry... But it was fun when you got flow!

We also tried ice.skating both at a rink and in the lake. Hard for some of us, easy for some!

We also like go sledding in a large slope.

Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Shrove Tuesday

Today it´s shrove tuesday in Sweden. We are eating "semla", a bun with cream and marzipan. It´s an old christian tradition, to eat fat things this day to survive! Does anyone of you eat semla too?

Friday, 8 February 2013

Poland Video

Thanks for an active and eventful stay in Poland. Here is a video from our stay:

Tøndergård Skole, Norway

Friday, 1 February 2013

Thank you for the amazing days in Poland!

"We from Sweden really enjoyed the trip to Rybnik. We from Sweden really liked the skiing and especially the dancing, the food was different from home but it was a good different. We were reallysorry that we lost a day because of the snow and ice in Germany but you know how Our team is...

We were really touch when we fond out that some of the kids in the kindergarten don’t get food at lunch and clothes for the winter. We didn't know that and that fact have us very much to think on.
We can say it was one of the biggest experience of our life!
PS we can’t wait to we get to Germany.
Love from the Swedish team and especially from Legolas".

Felicia and Elias

We also want to share a film with you, one of our boys are really found of music, just look and listen! You will all meet him in Germany! (He is the left boy on the film, the other guy is his teacher).