My favorite sport is called Tennis.

If you´re playing double its two players at each side, one at the front and on at the back side.
If you´re playing Single it’s much the same as double but it’s only one player at each side.
Tennis is an Olympic sport and it was invented 1873 by the British major Walter Clopton wingfield. Tennis starting to get popular really quickly in Britain under 1880-sencuary.
The first champion ship was already at 1877 at Wimbledon.
The first champion ship was already at 1877 at Wimbledon.
When you’re playing tennis it is lines you have to follow, a net is between you and your opened and even more rules.
When you starting the game you beginning with doing a serve, then you opened have to catch the ball at the other side of the net but if the ball touches the net your opened gets one point but if the ball goes over and he misses you are the one getting points. If your opened catches the ball and punches it over to you, you also have to punch it with you rack or he gets the point and then it goes like that until the other player loses.
When you starting the game you beginning with doing a serve, then you opened have to catch the ball at the other side of the net but if the ball touches the net your opened gets one point but if the ball goes over and he misses you are the one getting points. If your opened catches the ball and punches it over to you, you also have to punch it with you rack or he gets the point and then it goes like that until the other player loses.
Another Sport I want to try.
There is more sports that is almost like tennis that is also racket sports like Badminton but there you can only be one to one(Single player) and you don´t have a ball instead you have a smaller ball with feathers on. You can be two players also, I think.

Ice hockey
Ice hockey is a team sport that’s played on ice. You’re using ice skates, hockey stick and a puck that you are supposed get in the opponent’s goal. The winner of game is the team that has done the most goals.
The game field for NHL is 61 meters long and 26 meters wide, and IIHF (International Ice Hockey Federation) is 60 meters long and 30 meters wide. The goal is 122 centimetres high and 183 centimetres wide.
In a normal hockey match lasts for 60 minutes divided on three 20 minutes periods. There is a 15-18 minutes break in between the periods because the ice needs to be washed with an ice machine. Side change shall happen after the breaks. In between third period and overtime game, if it’s only 5-10 minutes overtime, they don’t wash the ice.

All of the players have protection on their legs, shoulders, elbows, teeth, use gloves and helm to example. The goalkeeper has different things on like a helm with bars, bigger protection on the legs, one glove for the hand that holds the hockey stick and one that is for to catch or block the puck. All players have ice skates and hockey stick, the goalkeeper’s hockey stick is wider down on the stick then what the out players have.
The players are in different positions and duties for each player. You do that because the team shall be organized and have good teamwork. It’s usually 2 defensemen, 2 forwards and one in the centre. Together they form one “chain”, “fiver” or formation. Each team have at most 4 chains on the line-up (first-, second-, third- and forth-chain).
It is usually one right- and one left-defenseman in every fiver. The defensemen shall be placed at the back and should mainly be concentrating at the defence.
It is usually one right- and one left-forwards in every chain. The forwards shall be placed at the front in the chain and should concentrate at attacking. If three forwards plays together in mainly defensive tasks it is called a “Checking line”.
A centre is one type of forwards that’s should be placed in the centre of the chain, in the middle of both it’d owns forwards and defensemen. Centre has the duty to steer its chains play. It is one centre per chain normally.
Goalkeeper (or goaltender)
It is 2 goalkeepers per team, one first- and one second-goalkeeper. The first goalkeeper can be on the playfield the whole match and the second get to sit as a replacement. The first goalkeeper self or the team captain can chose to replace the first with the second if to example the first have let in to many goals under the match. The same if the first get injured or deported.
There is one head-judge and two lines-judges on every match, they were black trousers, a black helm and a striped black-white sweater. The head-judge has an orange band on each arm. In NHL and Elite series they have two head-judges and two lines-judges every match.
Hockey sur glace
L’equipe Suédoise s’appelle trois couronnes. La Suède est le seul épuipe qui ont gagné le championnat du monde et les jeux olympiques la même anné. Nous avons huit médailles d’or, dix-neuf d’argent et seize médailles de bronze dans les championnats du monde.
Nous avons deux médailles d’or, trois d’argent et quatre médailles de bronze dans les jeux olympiques.
Peter Foppa Forsberg

Börje Salming
Il était un très bou joueur et il a joué 17 ans a NHL. Il était suédois qui est nommé dans l’Hockey Hall of Fame.
Sport En Suéde

C’est un sport qu’ou joue dedans, pas dehors comme par example le Foot. On joue avec un bâton qui est en plastique. IL y a cinq joueurs et le guardien dans chaque équipe. Le but a presque la même Floorball est le sport national de Suède parce que c’est la deuxième plus grande sport dela Suède.
Sport en Suède le football
Le football est l'un des plus grands sports et nous avons beaucoup de joueurs suédois qui jouent dans le monde entier.
Quand la suède joue un match de foot tout le monde en suède sont assises devant leurs télévisions.
Ici vouz pouvez voir des grands joueurs qui viennent de suède, ils ont été dans les plus grandes équipes du monde comme Milan, Barcelona et Arsenal.
Gunnar Gren.
Gunnar Nordahl.
Nils Liedholm.
Kurt Hamrin.
Zlatan Ibrahimovic.
Henrik Larsson.
Tomas Brolin.
Torbjörn Nilsson.
Patrik ”Bjärred” Andersson.
Bosse Larsson.
Gunnar Nordahl.
Nils Liedholm.
Kurt Hamrin.
Zlatan Ibrahimovic.
Henrik Larsson.
Tomas Brolin.
Torbjörn Nilsson.
Patrik ”Bjärred” Andersson.
Bosse Larsson.
La Suède est un pays vraiment World Champion dans le football et d'autres sports.
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